sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009


X Havana Biennale (march 27 – April 30,2009)

Aequatorlab V.4

Maria Rosa Jijon and Juan Esteban Sandoval

Vernissage, Thursday, March 26 2009
Facultad de Artes y Letras of the Habana University
X Biennale dell’Avana – Collateral Event

Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero curators

AEQuatolab V.4 by artists Maria Rosa Jijon and Juan Esteban Sandoval will be inaugurated at the Habana Uiversity on Thursday March 256, 2009 as a part of the Collateral Events of the 10th Arts Biennale of Habana, under the curatorship of Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero.

Aequatorlab V.4 is a multimedia Project, started 2007 in collaboration with the MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea of the Sapienza Uiversity of Rome. It is an artistic investigation project on locations and people along a border line, starting from the Equator line that crosses the artists’ countries of origin, namely Ecuador and Colombia. The research aims at identifying spaces of dialogue between artists and social actors through the documentation and production of artwork and the development – by various means – of ideas that originate and evolve from those encounters. Aequatorlab’s goal is that of dismantling borders and frontiers, by finding their crossing points and challenging them as such. The ultimate purpose is that of enabling a convergence of arts and academic research by bringing together people,intentions and geographies. Participants are involved through various modalities, regardless of their social roles. Aequatorlab as a creative work in progress and form of knowledge has occured in various cities and locations around the World.

Similar to what occurred in MLAC and FLACSO in Quito, Aequatorlas is therefore not only an autonomous artwork but also a creative critical laboratory under the auspices of the La Sapienza University’s Course for Contemporary Arts Curators. As a matter of fact parallel to Aequatorlab, the master course for Curators of the Facultad de Artes y Letras of the Haban Univesirty in collaboration with the La Sapienza University of Rome will be presented. The Master course will take place in autumn and will feature an art laboratory that will intersect with the theory and critique lessons. Hence, the overarching philosophy , shared by the two artists will be that of holding a plurifaceted process, that includes a laboratory, a artwork, critical research and education.

http://aequatorlab.blogspot.com - www.aequatorlab.net

The event is produced by the Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea della Sapienza in Rome, under the curatorship of Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero, and Giorgia Calò in charge of media and communication; by Associazione L.H.O.O.K.; with hte contribution of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the collaboration of the Facultad de Artes y Letras of the Habana University

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jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009



Invitan al lanzamiento del catálogo multimedia

"Ecuador en Emergencia"
13 plataformas de producción artística colectiva del Ecuador 

el día jueves 12 de marzo de 2009 a las 19h30

en La Naranjilla Mecánica

Tamayo N22-43 y Veintimilla - Tel. 2526468


Set Dj + Vj: Fabiano Kueva + Paúl Rosero + Pedro Cagigal